Secretary, Damaris Ortiz Cruz
Stationed by the Ear of Corn
The duties and responsibilities of the secretary include:
Prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting.
Prepare and present the minutes of each chapter meeting.
Place all committee reports in the secretary’s file.
Be responsible for chapter correspondence.
Maintain member attendance and activity records and issue membership cards.
Have on hand for each meeting:
The secretary’s file
Copy of the POA, including all standing and special committees
Official FFA Manual and the Official FFA Student Handbook
Copy of the chapter constitution and bylaws
Grade: Junior
Years in FFA: 3
SAE: School-Based Entrepreneurship - Cut Flower Garden
Agricultural Issues Forum LDE
Floriculture CDE
Marketing Plan CDE
Conduct of Chapter Meetings CDE
Nursery/Landscape CDE
Favorite Activity: Scavenger Hunt
Favorite FFA Memory: My biggest goal as an officer this year is to do a good job as the Secretary as well as go outside my comfort zone to get to know new FFA members.
Biggest Goal as an Officer: My biggest goal as the Building Communities Chair is to create fun and memorable events that will bring our community together.
Awards and Honors:
Nursery/Landscape 9th Place Gold Ranking Team - Gold Individual
Nursery/Landscape 1st Place State Team
State FFA Degree
WLC Scholarship Recipient
Silver Place Team in National Agricultural Issues Forum LDE
Chapter Degree
Outstanding FFA Sophomore of the Year
1st Place Team in State Marketing Plan CDE
2nd Place Individual in Invitational Nursery/Landscape CDE, 1st Place Team
1st Place Team in State Agricultural Issues Forum LDE (2022)
Greenhand Degree
Outstanding FFA Freshman of the Year
Gold Individual in National Floriculture CDE, Silver Place Team
4th Place Individual in State Floriculture CDE, 1st Place Team
5th Place Team in State Conduct of Chapter Meetings LDE